Toll Free: 1 (877) 877-2519
  • The default greeting on the cake is ‘’Mom’’. If you wish to change it, please include your greeting in the cake greeting section at the check out page!
  • This cake can be customised with a personalised icing message for free of charge. Please include your message at the check out page!
  • Storage Instructions: Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. For optimal freshness, keep in an air-conditioned environment or in the refrigerator. If refrigerated for extended periods, allow to sit at room temperature before serving for best consistency.
  • Allergy Information: May contain gluten, eggs, dairy, and soy. Please inform us of any allergies before ordering.



Product Description

This delicious chocolate-based cake is covered with butter icing floral designs & sprinkles.
Celebrate your MOM. After all, moms always work so hard to take care of their families, so why not deliver her some special something? If you want to tell mom how much she means to you with a tasty Mother's Day cake, then you definately've come to the right product.Let's celebrate mother's day by spreading love for all the mothers around the world.
The default greeting on the cake is ‘’Mom’’. If you wish to change it, please include your greeting in the cake greeting section at the check out page!

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