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  • Voucher processing fee 500 is included in the selling price.
  • This product cannot be delivered to some regional and rural areas. See the available delivery cities here

Voucher Value


Product Description

Sarasavi Bookshop (Pvt) Ltd is a division of the Sarasavi Group of Companies in Sri Lanka. The bookshop first commenced business over 65 years ago in the rural township of Padukka. In 1973, it moved to a busier location and found its permanent home in Nugegoda. Within just a short period of time Sarasavi Bookshop expanded operations and activities in a network of Branches Island wide to better serve its customers. Today we are comprised of more than 14 branches including bookstores in some of the major cities in Sri Lanka such as Kandy, Matara, Gampaha and Colombo.

The recipient can redeem the gift voucher from the Sarasavi Booshop outlets in Srilanka.
The validity period of all the gift vouchers is for 12 Months from the Day of Purchase.
Voucher processing fee 500 is included in the selling price. 

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